As the federal filing deadline approaches for 2017 taxes, the Internal Revenue Service is asking you to be sure everything is in place for this year’s taxes.
I-R-S spokesman, Christopher Miller, says you should do a “paycheck checkup” to make sure your are having the right amount of tax taken out of your paychecks.
OC………withholding calculator” :10
Miller says it is an easy tool to use.
OC……particular situation” :13
Miller says changes in the tax law may have made the withholding amount you’ve been using the wrong one for you to use now.
OC………our withholding” :16
He says if the withholding is wrong you could end up taking out too much during the year.
OC……..a refund” :17
Around a million and a half Iowans are expected to file federal tax returns this year.