Iowa Senator Chuck Grassley doubts Congress will be able to comply with President Trump’s suggestion to significantly boost the amount in those pandemic checks the federal government plans to send to most Americans.
The COVID relief bill Congress passed this week called for 600-checks to go out but Trump says that’s “ridiculously low” and said the checks should be for two-thousand dollars.
OC………those in need” :15
The president called the latest relief measure a “disgrace” and said he would -not- immediately sign it in order to give Congress time to rework the 900-billion dollar economic stimulus package.
OC……..”this anyway” :18
Grassley, a Republican, is confident a Democratic Biden administration would call for a change in how the allocations are made.
OC…….lost a job” :13
Without the president’s autograph, the federal government faces a shutdown next week and hundreds of billions of dollars in aid would be frozen.
Radio Iowa