Officials at Morningside College say they have recalled their students who were studying overseas in Italy over concerns about Corona Virus.
A statement from Chris Spicer, the college’s Vice President for Academic Affairs, says the recall is due to the decision by the U.S. State Department raise its travel advisory to Italy to the second highest level warning.
Students involved in the program will complete the rest of their studies online.
Morningside will be rebooking tickets for the students and covering any costs incurred.
Since the students in the Semester in Italy program are on spring break and many are traveling, the college will work with students on an individual basis to plan their return travel.
The college hopes to have all students on return flights to the United States on or before Friday, March 13th.
The students are aware that they could be asked to quarantine or self-quarantine upon their return and have been asked to prepare accordingly.
Morningside is in contact with local government and health officials to determine if such measures will be necessary.