Iowa Senator Chuck Grassley is urging farmers, biofuels industry workers and everyday Iowans to get on the E-P-A website and express support for upholding the renewable fuel standard, or R-F-S.
As the deadline for public comments approaches Grassley says he and several other Midwestern senators are sending a letter to the president this week, outlining the importance of the R-F-S to the region’s economy.
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The head of the E-P-A recently announced plans to change the R-F-S, reversing terms of the deal President Trump made to ensure the oil industry blends 15-billion gallons of ethanol and biodiesel into gasoline.
The E-P-A claims the move would make up for waivers granted to small refineries over the past two years.
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Some 30 ethanol and biodiesel plants nationwide — including four in Iowa — have temporarily or permanently closed in recent weeks because of the uncertainty caused by the waivers.
Grassley says many farmers and those in the biofuels industry simply don’t trust the E-P-A to follow through on the president’s promise because of the agency’s ties to big oil.
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The deadline for public comments on the issue is November 29th at