Representatives from Native American tribes from around the country are in Sioux City this week attending a political forum on tribal issues.
The Frank LaMere Presidential Candidate Forum, named for the late South Sioux City activist, is taking place at the Orpheum Theater through Tuesday.
Nine presidential candidates are also attending and Faith Spotted Eagle of the Yankton Sioux says she was heartened to hear candidates such as Elizabeth Warren speak about issues important to Native Americans:
OC……….lost our land. :24
Spotted Eagle says it is critical for Native Americans, especially young people, to get out and vote in the next election:
OC…….really make a difference. :13
She has been involved in the battle to keep oil pipelines from being constructed across tribal lands:
OC………certainly not us. ;23
Tribal leaders and citizens are talking with the candidates about issues including health care, education and violence against Native women.