MedPharm Iowa’s medical marijuana dispensary is scheduled to open Saturday morning in Sioux City.
The products are made from the plants grown here in Iowa.
Joe Kerner is the head cultivator of the crop and says it starts a lot like most gardens in the state.
He says one difference is they grow their plants from cuttings and not seeds.
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That refers to the cannabis oil molecule.
Kerner has a degree in horticulture from Iowa State University and picked up more specific knowledge about marijuana from those who have been growing the plants in other states.
He says a key job is keeping the plants fed.
OC……gets bigger” :10
Kerner says the marijuana grows in a highly controlled environment.
The plants reach the flowering stage in 20 to 22 weeks and are then harvested to make the medical marijuana products.
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The processing plant is on the southwest edge of downtown Des Moines and has several security features surrounding it.