A Taiwan trade delegation made a stop near Hinton Sunday at the Dennis Bollmeyer farm. The Taiwan people have agreed to making a purchase of $2.8 billion dollars worth of U-S soybeans. The agreement was signed in Washington D.C. a few days ago, and another agreement will be signed in Des Moines later today.
Accompanying the trade delegation is Iowa Republican Congressman Steve King.
King says soybean sales to Taiwan has now increased by about 30 percent, and he predicts even more U-S soybeans will be shipped to Taiwan in the future. King says since China has imposed trade tariffs on U-S soybeans, it is important to make up the loss with other nations.
King says other such trade deals are in the works, but it is too premature to talk about those possible trade deals. King was asked if negotiations with China may be jeopardized since the U-S has set up an agreement with Taiwan?
The Taiwan delegation said they were impressed with the Bollmeyer farming operation, and also are impressed with the quality of soybeans produced in Iowa.