Hotel and motel staff in Sioux City will be trained by local groups to recognize and respond to human trafficking.
Forty volunteers from the Junior League and the Siouxland Coalition Against Human Trafficking will soon start training hotel staff over a 6-month period.
Coalition spokesperson Linda Holub says an emphasis is on sex trafficking detection:
OC…..and coercion. ;17
Holub says there’s a reason hotel-motel staff are being trained;
OC……….and safely. :21
Sioux City Police Chief Rex Mueller says his department has been proactive in dealing with the issue with a special investigative unit, and his staff has been trained to understand that human trafficking isn’t just about prostitution:
OC……..and Iowa. ;12
Jackie Kaufman of the Junior League says their group has provided a grant for the effort and started training volunteers for the effort Thursday:
OC………….times per year. ;12
Mayors and City Administrators of Sioux City, Sergeant Bluff, South Sioux City, Dakota Dunes and North Sioux City have signed a letter of support that was sent to all the hotels and motels in the tri-state area.