Burlington Northern Sante Fe officials say they’ve built a temporary road to the site of Friday’s train derailment along flooded tracks near the Lyon-Sioux county line.
B-N-S-F spokesman Andy Williams says 32 cars derailed and 14 of them leaked 230-thousand gallons of crude oil into the flooded fields.
Clean-up operations have been continuing:
OC……..out by truck” :22
Skimmers and booms were placed near the derailment site which Williams says have already captured at least 100-thousand gallons of oil.
OC………drain away. :19
He says oil may have stretched a distance of up to five miles from the derailment site.
At least ten cars have already been drained of oil and seven were moved to that nearby field to be disassembled.
Williams says the clean-up process may take several days, possibly weeks or months.
He had no estimate on the cost of the clean-up.