Morningside College’s Colonel Bud Day Center for Civic Engagement has released results of its first “Morningside Poll”.
The poll measures the attitudes of Iowa residents on a variety of public policy issues and on the performance of the state’s legislative and executive branches of government.
Among the topics, was Iowa’s allocation of mental health care resources.
81% of respondents felt more resources should be allocated with 13% saying the same amount and just 1% calling for fewer resources.
A border security question had 55% calling for increased security, 8% a decrease and 35% satisfied with the way it is.
Those surveyed on gun laws in Iowa had 42% calling for stricter gun laws, 41% keeping them the same and 12% making them less strict.
Governor Kim Reynolds scored a 53% approval rating with 36% disapproval.
The Iowa legislature didn’t fare so well, with 49% disapproving of how the lawmakers handle their job and 41% approval.
Those responses were along party lines with more Republicans approving and a majority of Democrats unhappy with the GOP majority legislature and governor.
Research Now SSI conducted the poll from May 2nd through 12th with computer-assisted telephone interviews of 994 Iowa adults.
Morningside College students analyzed the survey data and produced fact sheets and briefs.
Detailed poll results are available online at the Morningside College website
The margin of error for the poll results is plus or minus 3.1 percentage points.