Woodbury County is one step closer to being admitted to the Rolling Hills group of counties that will provide regional mental health services to area residents.
Ida County became the third of the seven county region to approve admitting Woodbury to the group Monday, but Crawford County voted against the inclusion.
Woodbury County Supervisors chairman Rocky DeWitt isn’t concerned over the “no vote” from Crawford County:
OC………..pretty confident. :09
DeWitt says it’s likely Carroll County will also vote no, but that alone would not block Woodbury from joining the group:
OC………the other seven. ;13
If approved, Woodbury would join Rolling Hills on July 1st of 2019.
The county still has not resolved with the Iowa Department of Human Services if it will remain part of the Sioux Rivers group with Sioux and Plymouth Counties in the next fiscal year that starts July 1st:
OC…….to avoid legal action. :14
The D-H-S previously rejected Woodbury County’s request to leave Sioux Rivers after June 30th and operate alone in providing mental health services for the next year.