April has been distracted driving awareness month and a state trooper says it continues to be a problem in Iowa.
Sergeant Nathan Ludwig of the Iowa State Patrol says they see motorists texting driving every day on Iowa’s roadways despite a change in law that makes it illegal.
OC………their hand” :06
The law changed last July 1st so law enforcement officers don’t have to pull over violators for something else to charge them with texting and driving.
OC…….and gotten stopped” :09
Ludwig says texting while driving can be a tough law to enforce.
OC…….their phone” :13
Sergeant Ludwig believes auto manufacturers contribute to the distracted driving problem with the other things in cars.
OC……..all the time” ;16
Ludwig says a common misconception is that it’s legal to text when stopped at a stop sign or stoplight.
He says you can only legally text behind the wheel when your car is off the traveled portion of the roadway and at a complete stop.
Radio Iowa