There’s just one day left in the 2018 Nebraska legislative session.
Lawmakers will finish their work next Wednesday, April 18th at 1pm after adjourning April 11th for six days.
District 17 State Senator Joni Albrecht says there will be final readings for several measures with property tax relief being the biggest issue left to resolve:
OC……….property tax relief. ;15
Governor Pete Ricketts is pushing back against a special session to address complaints about high property taxes and said Tuesday he felt that it wouldn’t accomplish anything.
Albrecht doesn’t agree:
OC………make it happen. ;19
Thirty-three of the Legislature’s 49 senators must agree for a special session to take place.
Albrecht says it would be expensive to bring everyone back to Lincoln for that special session:
OC………….that kind of money. ;14
A last-ditch effort to pass a tax package stalled last weekend when senators failed to reach an agreement.