Health officials say about seven in ten Iowa homes contain elevated levels of radon gas and while many homes have dangerous radon levels, residents may be oblivious.
Every one of Iowa’s 99 counties is considered at high risk for elevated radon levels.
Research scientist Dan Tranter says the colorless, odorless, radioactive gas occurs naturally and rises up from the soil.
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Radon test kits cost between 10 and 15-dollars and they’re available at hardware and home improvement stores as well as at many city and county health departments.
The best time to test for radon is now, during the winter heating season.
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Tranter says only 1% of Iowans have had their homes tested.had tested.”
An EPA study finds the national number of homes with elevated radon levels is one in 15, while in Iowa, the figure is five in every seven homes.
Radio Iowa