A Democratic lawmaker from Sioux City has filed a lawsuit alleging Republican Governor Kim Reynolds and an aide broke the law when they transferred $13 million from a reserve fund to balance the budget.
The lawsuit was filed Tuesday against Reynolds and Department of Management director Dave Roederer by Representative Chris Hall, the ranking member of the House Appropriations committee.
Hall is asking a judge to declare Reynolds’ proclamation ordering the fund transfer in September was illegal and to void “all actions” taken as a result.
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At issue is a $13 million transfer from the State Economic Emergency Fund, which was created to cushion the blow of fiscal downturns on core services.
Hall’s lawsuit argues Reynolds had other legal options, like calling the legislature back into special session to fix the budget.
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Brenna Smith, a spokeswoman for Governor Reynolds, says “this is a political lawsuit.”
She says “everyone agrees the state budget needs to be balanced — which it now is.”
And Smith added that legislators are “free to change the outdated transfer” law and the governor would “encourage them to do so.”
Hall says the transfer laws should be updated, but until that update’s done, the current law must be followed.