Hotel and motel employees in Sioux City will soon undergo training in how to spot the victims of sexual exploitation.
It’s part of a new, statewide effort to combat human trafficking in Iowa hotels and motels.
George Belitsos of the Iowa Network Against Human Trafficking and Slavery says commercial sexual exploitation is now a bigger business than the drug trade.
OC………from public view.” :07
He says that’s why training everyone who works in an Iowa hotel or motel is so important.
Steven Patrick O’Meara is president of an Omaha-based coalition that has trained employees in more than 100 Omaha hotels to be on the look-out for victims of sex trafficking.
He’s now conducting similar seminars in Iowa.
OC……..of the hotel and motel.” :11
O’Meara has appointments with groups in Sioux City and five other Iowa cities to discuss how to teach hotel and motel employees about the warning signs of human trafficking.
Radio Iowa/Photo by Justice For Life