There’s still time to register for the thrill of rappelling down the side of one of Sioux City’s tallest buildings to raise money for Big Brothers-Big Sisters of Siouxland.
Executive Director Lori Twohig says the second annual “Over the Edge” event takes place June 14th at the Howard Johnson’s hotel at 4th and Jackson:
She says you don’t have to be a mountaineer to jump over the side of the 12 story building:
OC……..go over. ;14
Twoig says there are 90 spots available for the June 14th event and you have to raise $1000 to participate:
OC……positive roll models. :11
All of the proceeds go to Big Brothers Big Sisters of Siouxland.
If you would like to leap over the edge, you can sign up online at Big Brothers Big Sisters dot com/edge.