Republican U.S. Senators Chuck Grassley and Joni Ernst were greeted by vocal and sometimes disruptive protestors at meetings in Iowa on Tuesday
President Donald Trump tweeted that “The so-called angry crowds in home districts of some Republicans are actually, in numerous cases, planned out by liberal activists. Sad!”
Senator Chuck Grassley says he enjoyed interacting with the people who attended his Iowa Falls town hall meeting.
Grassley says they were “rambunctious” but he doesn’t think any of them were paid Democratic Party protesters.
OC……”Clinton lost”. :15
Senator Joni Ernst faced noisy opponents during a 45-minute veteran’s forum in Maquoketa on Tuesday.
She expressed concern about the tone of the Maquoketa meeting:
OC……..productive dialogue. ;13
Ernst says the protestors made it difficult to hear the veteran’s concerns:
OC……….over those veterans.” :21
Grassley says he’s “glad” the events got such national publicity as “representative government is a two-way street,” and “face to face dialogue is the best.”