Former South Dakota State Senator Dan Lederman of Dakota Dunes has a new leadership role in the state’s political scene.
Lederman was elected Chairman of the South Dakota Republican Party on Saturday, defeating incumbent Chair Pam Roberts at the state central committee meeting in Pierre.
Lederman says the state party seems to be catching up with the national party:
OC………local politics again. :19
Lederman unseated Roberts on a 73-53 vote.
It’s the first time in recent history that a candidate for the job won without the governor’s endorsement.
Roberts was endorsed by Governor Dennis Daugaard, and also had the support of the state’s Congressional delegation.
Lederman says he doesn’t believe there is a split in the South Dakota GOP:
OC………be involved with the party. ;15
Lederman says he wants to push a consistent message:
OC….grow the grass root. ;24
Lederman offered himself as a candidate last month.
He resigned from the state senate where he was assistant majority leader in March of 2015 to spend more time with his family.
Thanks to Jerry Oster WNAX for contributions on this story