With Woodbury County leaving the Sioux Rivers Mental Health Region next fiscal year, fellow members Plymouth and Sioux Counties are also looking at the options.
State law mandates that at least three counties need to comprise a regional mental health organization.
Plymouth County Board of Supervisors Chairman Don Kass says the region north of Sioux and Plymouth Counties has extended an invitation to have Sioux and Plymouth join the Northwest Iowa Care Connections:
OC………better position financially. ;18
Kass says there are some things to work out with the potential new region though:
OC……….easy to work out. :17
Kass says it is the hope of the Plymouth County supervisors to stay connected with Sioux County.
He says Plymouth will not be joining Woodbury county in the nearby Rolling Hills Region:
OC……….region to the north. ;19
The Northwest Iowa Care Connections Region consists of Clay, Dickinson, Lyon, O’Brien, Osceola and Palo Alto Counties.