Iowans who use laundry detergent “pods” are being warned to use extra caution with the products if there are children in the house.
Curious kids might squeeze the packets and get squirted in the face.
Registered nurse Joan McVoy says if that blue goo hits them in the eye, you need to act quickly.
OC………”emergency room” :16
Poison center hotlines in Iowa and Nebraska have been receiving a lot of traffic because of the laundry pods.
OC……….exactly to do. ;15
The packets had been subject of warnings months ago as a child, mistaking the packets for candy, might pop them in their mouth.
The new advisories are specifically about the packets being a threat to young eyes.
OC……..burn to the eye” :15
For questions, call the Iowa Poison Control Center at 800-222-1222.
Photo by CBS News